Published onDecember 4, 2023Verifying a JSON Web Token from Amazon Cognito in Python and FastAPIpythonfastapiawscognitojwtHow to secure a Python backend using Amazon CognitoRead more →
Published onDecember 3, 2023Verifying a JSON Web Token from Amazon Cognito in Go and GingoginawscognitojwtHow to secure a Go backend using Amazon CognitoRead more →
Published onSeptember 17, 2023Containerising Next.js using Docker and BunnextjsbundockerjavascripttypescriptUsing the newest JavaScript runtime with Next.js and DockerRead more →
Published onApril 3, 2023FastAPI with HTMX partialspythonfastapihtmxAvoid accidental page loads of HTMX partials in your FastAPI appRead more →
Published onJanuary 5, 2023Structured logging using structlog and FastAPIpythonloggingstructured-loggingfastapistructlogUseful tips for adding structured logging to a FastAPI backendRead more →